Code of Conduct 

(adapted, with permission, from the APSATS ethical standards and code of conduct)

C-SASI is an organization of helping professionals who value professionalism and integrity in all areas of our work. These values are foundational for all we do, not only in our interactions with our clients/those we support and outside professionals, but also within our community. We honor and respect one another.

C-SASI strives to earn and maintain a reputation for ethical interactions. We not only teach about safety in relationships, we also practice safety within our community. It is foundational to what we do and who we are. 

Thus, all C-SASI community members are bound by their own professional ethical standards and codes of conduct in terms of ethical behavior toward clients, other professionals, and the broader public.

C-SASI membership is conditional on ethical behavior. We reserve the right to refuse, or discontinue, membership to those who have been reported, and shown, to have harassed, coerced, exploited or publicly defamed clients/mentorees, C-SASI members/the organization and/or other professionals and organizations in the field.