C-SASI is an over 20 year leader in the sex addiction and partner trauma education fields and a non-profit organization run by a volunteer board. To cover our expenses and offer scholarships to our program, we rely on the donations of those who share a common vision. Donations help us to train and certify clinicians, pastors, coaches, lay leaders, group facilitators and others to work with sex addicts, betrayed partners, and their families from a Christian worldview, as well as to hold and promote our annual conference, which in 2025 is in Portland, Oregon, April 30 - May 2, 2025. To DONATE to C-SASI or to learn more, please click the button below.

Ongoing Education

NOTICE: Our new, in-depth, Core training program 2025 is now available. For an overview of our NEW TRAINING PROGRAM Please visit www.c-sasi.org/learning. if you wish to apply please click here. if you have any questions please Email: info@c-sasi.org.

Christian Sex Addiction Specialists International (C-SASI, formerly IACSAS) is a long-time leader in the sex addiction and partner* trauma education fields. We offer training and certification programs for clinicians, clergy, lay leaders, coaches, and group facilitators to become C-SASI Certified Sex Addiction Specialists, and we provide ongoing professional development opportunities, education, and support for clinicians, coaches, clergy, and lay leaders in these fields. Our training and mentoring programs are founded on a Christian worldview and incorporate best practices in sex addiction and partner trauma treatment.

We invite you to follow us on Facebook where we highlight some of our specialists, offer resources, and post helpful links for sex addiction, betrayal trauma, and more! Our Resources Page has a variety of helpful information. Check out our Events Page for current and upcoming events. We are a non-profit organization, and if you’d like to help us continue our work as a Christian organization, you can made a donation here. To subscribe to our newsletter, please scroll to the bottom of this page.


Professional DEvelopment

As experienced educators who offer specialized certification, we have expanded our training to include both ongoing face-to-face as well as online educational programs for anyone currently working in the sex addiction/ partner trauma fields or who wants to become certified and equipped to give support to those affected by these issues. 

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From our Facebook page to to our network of members and their offerings, to our much-renowned conferences to our relationship with other organizations, etc., we make it easy to find what you need in terms of resources, continuing education, and the opportunity to connect with peers working/ministering in the sex addiction and partner trauma fields.

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Though based in the U.S., C-SASI collaborates with sex addiction/partner trauma training organizations around the globe. Moreover, we have an international membership of Christian clinicians, clergy, coaches, and lay leaders.

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