C-SASI is a long-time leader in the sex addiction field...
providing training, certification, ongoing professional development opportunities, education and support from a Christian worldview for those working in the sex addiction and partner trauma fields. We want to help others — pastors, lay leaders, coaches, clinicians, group facilitators — to provide betrayed partners opportunities to heal and sex addicts opportunities to actively participate in recovery and stay clean, sober, and live a healthy and faithful life.
C-SASI is a non-profit organization run by a volunteer board, some of whom also provide supervision for our trainees at a reduced rate (from field standards). To cover our expenses we rely on the donations of those who share a common vision. Donations help us to:
Train and certify clinicians, pastors, coaches, lay leaders, and others to work with sex addicts, partners, and their families from a Christian perspective
Use technology to train professionals online in order to reduce travel expenses
Continue to expand to train and certify professionals internationally
Pay a part-time administrator and website developer
Promote and run our conferences
Work toward increasing our reach and impact in the recovery community
Christian Sex Addiction Specialists International (formerly IACSAS) is a non-profit, Christian organization comprised of leaders in the sex addiction/partner trauma fields. Our goal is to equip Christian therapists and clinicians; life coaches; pastors and ministers; and lay church leaders with the resources they need to effectively and ethically help those whose lives have been impacted by sexual addiction. We achieve these goals by:
Offering professional development opportunities—including advanced training and certification—to clinicians and life coaches who have undergone previous training in sex addiction and partner (of sex addict) trauma training with another approved organization
Offering training and certification for clergy, para-church organizations, and lay leaders who support those wounded by sexual addiction—including pastoral sex addiction specialist training
Providing clinical supervision (therapists) and peer supervision and/or mentoring (coaches/church community) for those practicing or ministering in the sex addiction/partner trauma fields
Organizing an annual conference—for those who work in these fields—which serves as an opportunity for face-to-face professional development, networking, and peer support
Providing online communities for those who work in this field
Equip ourselves and other believers with the knowledge and skills needed to provide ethical care and relational healing for addicts, partners, families and Christian communities impacted by sexual addiction and betrayal trauma
Advocate for ethical care in the clinical and church communities
Create awareness of how healthy sexuality, as defined by Christian principles, is developed and maintained
Collaborate with organizations around the globe who train and equip clinicians and pastoral care providers in sex addiction therapy/support best practices
Make research and other resources available to those working, studying, etc. in this field