Sexual Safety Policy and Reporting Procedure
(adapted, with permission, from the APSATS ethical standards and code)
C-SASI prohibits and does not tolerate sexual harassments of any kind within the organization and during any organization-related activity. Those reasonably suspected or believed to have committed sexual harassment, abuse or misconduct will be appropriately disciplined, and membership in C-SASI will be terminated. No trainee, trainer, volunteer, board member or other person, regardless of his or her title or position has the right to commit sexual harassment or allow sexual harassment, abuse or misconduct.
Definitions and Examples
The following definitions or examples of sexual abuse, misconduct or harassment, may apply to any and/or all of the following persons – trainers, trainees, board members, volunteers or other third parties.
Sexual abuse, misconduct or harassment may include, but is not limited to:
- Unwanted and intentional physical conduct that is sexual in nature, such as touching, pinching, patting, brushing, massaging someone’s neck or shoulders, and/or pulling against another’s body or clothes
- Making unwelcoming and inappropriate sexual advances, comments, innuendoes, bullying, jokes, gestures, electronic communications or messages, exploitation, exposure, leering, stalking or invasion of sexual privacy
- Direct or implied threats that submission to sexual advances will be a condition of affiliation with the organization
- Sexual activity with another who is legally incompetent or otherwise unable to give consent
- Child sexual abuse – any direct or electronically mediated sexual activity, involvement, or attempt of sexual contact with a person who is a minor (under 18 years old)
Reporting Procedure
Immediately report suspected sexual abuse or misconduct to a C-SASI board member. It is not recommended to directly confront the person who is the subject of the report before notifying a specific board member or notifying the board at large.
If the abuse is historical (some time has passed) and you would still like to report it, please contact a specific board member or email the board as a group.
Anti-Retaliation and False Allegations
C-SASI prohibits retaliation made against any trainee, trainer/supervisor/mentor, volunteer, board member or other person who lodges a good faith complaint of sexual abuse or misconduct or who participates in any related investigation. C-SASI prohibits making false or malicious sexual misconduct allegations, as well as deliberately providing false information during an investigation. Anyone who violates this rule is subject to disciplinary action and termination of membership.