Please check back as we are always adding resources!

C-SASI ResourceS

C-SASI CONFERENCE (Summit) 2025: Join us April 30 - May 2, 2025 in Portland, Oregon! To purchase videos of our past conferences or for more information, please visit our Events Page.

C-SASI on Social Media: Check us out on Twitter and Facebook, where we highlight some of our specialists, offer resources, news, conference information, articles and we post helpful links for sex addiction, betrayal trauma, and much more!

C-SASI Blog: Find news, articles, reviews and more on our blog,

C-SASI President, Troy Snyder’s website (and he has a Facebook page and YouTube site too) for his Redeeming Life ministry and counseling practice:

C-SASI Honorary Board Member, Lisa Taylor offers her own page of resources, from books to research articles to opportunities for social action and much more. Visit her resource page, … and Lisa hosts a very popular blog, with articles, resources, and information for sex addicts, betrayed partners, as well as clergy, clinicians, coaches, and more.

C-SASI Board Member, Donna Dixon has an extensive resource page offering a variety of resources for everyone from children, to teens, sex addicts, betrayed partners, to clergy, to clinicians, coaches, group facilitators and more. Visit her resource page:

C-SASI Board Member, Dr. Jake Porter’s website has a variety of offerings and resources. Please visit his site at

C-SASI Board Member, Dr. Eddie Capparucci’s website also has a variety of offerings and resources. Please visit his site at:


C-SASI member Sue Moore is known for her work with female porn and sex/love addicts. You can visit her site at:

Free monthly webinar for couples offered by C-SASI Clinical Sex Addiction Specialist, Eddie Capparucci. "Getting to the Other Side: Helping Couples Navigate the Road to Recovery"

Eddie also offers a free men’s recovery community:

Eddie Capparucci also offers training for clinicians and coaches who want to bring the Inner Child Recovery Process into their practice in order to assist their clients who are struggling with sex/porn addictions. To learn more visit:


The American Association of Christian Counselors (some of our certified members are also members of this organization) offers a variety of resources, including opportunities for CEUs, online webinars with experts, an annual conference, and more. Please visit their website at:

FREE online accountability group for men. This is a weekly opportunity for men pursuing faith-based recovery from sexual addiction to connect with other like-minded guys for the purpose of forming accountability partner and accountability group relationships. Check out the dates and times at this URL:

A new site started by an RN who offers help for spouses whose divorce is due to an addiction. Although the primary focus is on substance abuse, there may be helpful information for divorce due to sex addiction as well:

RESOURCE DISCLAIMER: Please note that by referencing or recommending all or parts of these books, websites, articles, etc., C-SASI does not necessarily agree with or endorse the resource in its entirety nor do we recommend its use for all C-SASI members, trainees, or their clients.